
We are so glad you found us. Dover First Christian Church is an independent church that exists to be the love of Christ in our community. Our church is a place where all are invited to discover who God is and the purpose He has for all of us in His story. We think the church should be one of the most engaging and loving places on the planet—a place where people of any and all backgrounds can experience a God who is real and relevant in their lives today. And that's exactly what we want to help you do!

If you've been following God your entire life, you're welcome here. If you're new to faith, you're welcome here. If you're not really sure you believe in God at all, you're welcome here. No matter where you are on the road to faith, we want to walk alongside you as you go. Our hope is that as you join us on the journey, you'll discover a God who is active, alive, and at work in your life.

Our Sunday morning worship service is at 10:45. You are welcome to join us in person for worship, but we know that many of you might want to check us out first, and we respect that. You are welcome to join us online for 10:45 worship service. The best place to watch is either right here on the website, or at www.facebook.com/doverfcc. Watching on Facebook does allow you to interact with other viewers. Other resources such as kid's devotionals, music playlists, short lessons, and prayer sessions are hosted on Facebook as well.

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Sunday Mornings
9:30 am - Bible Study Classes
10:30 am - Fellowship Time
10:45 am - Morning Worship

Wednesday Nights
5:15 pm - Family Dinner
6:00 pm - Bible Study